mag3D  Figure1 Figure2   Figure3  PRESENTATION SYMPOSIUM FRANCO FINLANDAIS  SYMPOSIUM  Problème des phases The phase problem  DVD Semiconducteur organométallique  organosilicié TiO2-rutile  SiO2-stishovite  Cu2O-cuprite  K2PtCl6  Be-metal  bases and 3D views Bases et vues 3D  Si-et-Ge  CaF2-fluorite  NbC-2023









 the Direct Multipole Analysis



The fitting procedures in assigning an analytic representation from different models introduce several parameters and different sets of such parameters can fit the experimental data in the same satisfying way. Moreover, they modify the experimental data in course of analysis, replacing them by their mathematical representation.

Direct Multipole Analysis considers only experimental features without a priori statement on the experimental behaviour, as described in “The other philosophy” SYMPOSIUM FRANCO FINLANDAIS . It is in direct connexion with experimental accuracy so that all the quantities found in course of analysis have a physical meaning easily interpretable in terms of crystallographic properties.

The theoretical free atom superposition model accounts only for the total charge density of the crystal and it is not obvious that the free atom parameters are the same as those of the crystal atoms.

Since the models are elaborated from free atoms, they are physically unable to describe atoms enclosed in a lattice, especially to describe the outer shells of the atoms.

The comparison between the models and the crystal cannot give any real estimate for the ionic state (Kurki-Suonio & Salmo (1971) (1)) and is just equivalent to an extrapolation method.


Studies in reciprocal and direct spaces

The atomic deformations affect mainly the outer electronic shells. The main part of the information about deformations will be contained in the lower order reflections. Thus, few measured reflections are necessary in order to collect all the deformation effects.

A real advantage of the Direct Multipole Analysis is the possibility to treat the analysis in reciprocal space as well as in the real space.

The direct space analysis gives estimation about ionicity and bonding nature. Also, it reveals the average picture of the atom in the lattice. The reciprocal space analysis shows a more specific behaviour, say, the electronic charge transfer directions.

By the Fourier invariance theorem of Spherical Harmonics, a Fourier-Bessel transform connects the radial charge densities to the radial atomic factors (Kurki-Suonio (1967) (2)).


Residual term

To determine the physical experimental quantities, such as the electron counts Z(R) or the total charge density ρ(r), the entire series needs be computed. We must find a reasonable continuation of the experimental data and be careful not to introduce any extra wrong features in the results. It is the residual term problem.

The experimental series used truncate in a point of sinθ/λ value so near that the residual terms of the experimental series are quite considerable. It is then necessary to know these residual terms as accurately as possible. To have an accurate residual term, it is necessary (Kurki-Suonio (1962) (3)):

-         to find a reasonable continuation of the structure factors measured,

-         to determine the limits in which we can modify this continuation without loss of reasonability.

A reasonable continuation means that the atomic center is known and that the calculated atomic factor gives a reasonable continuation of the true atomic factor beyond the cut off e.g. in the core electron region.

It is generally admitted that the quantum mechanical calculations give a good picture of the inner electronic shells. If the atomic model has the same movement and correct atomic positions as the inner part of the real atom, its atomic factor can be considered correct with large sinθ/λ, and we can write:

f = fth + Δf

with Δf leading to zero when sinθ/λ increases. Only Δf makes the real atomic factors to differ from the theoretical ones and this contribution is only responsible of the differences between the true residual term and the correct model one. But, to be consistent with the criterion of locality, the correct model residual term must be split in atomic contributions. This requirement is satisfied by using two important characteristics of the Fourier series:

-         their convergence is local: the convergence in a given point (or region) depends only on the characteristics of this point (or region),

-         the higher rate of convergence, the more regular function is, and the Fourier transform of a regular function varying slowly shows a rapid decrease when sinθ/λ increases. Then, the only hypothesis is that the true residual term can be split in atomic contributions.

A characteristic property of the residual term is that its accuracy is seen differently as the analysis is performed in real or reciprocal spaces.

In real space analysis, the error due to the inaccuracy in the residual term value is spread over all the space and a correct analysis depends strongly on the exact estimation of this residual term. The Gaussian method with correct Gaussians: 



without constant terms and without  B (I)<0 to respect the physical nature of f (b) to have f (b) = 0 at infinite, improves largely this situation in avoiding the cut off error.

A Gaussian representation is best suited because of the Fourier invariance of a Gaussian.

So, the residual term is accurate enough to give a reasonable continuation of the experimental data beyond the cut off. The cut off errors are eliminated by the use of correct Gaussians. The Gaussian representations must not involve positive exponents and no constant terms like those given e.g. in International Tables, otherwise this leads to a physical nonsense.

Accuracy of the residual term calculation is an order of magnitude better than the statistical accuracy.

In reciprocal space analysis, the inaccuracy of the residual term affects locally the results near the cut off and does not disturb the results before this point. So, the residual term estimation is not so important in reciprocal space as in the real space analysis. This is a helpful point to understand the accuracy of the results.


Expansion in Spherical Harmonics

A quantitative description in all directions simultaneously is obtained if the atom is expanded in terms of different order harmonics components (Kurki-Suonio & Meisalo (1967) (4)). For each atom of the crystal, there is a complete orthogonal set of lattice harmonics that give a good description of structures such as electronic distributions or atomic factors of separate atoms.

When non negligible very high order components are present, it means that the data are not accurate enough to contain any information about non sphericities. In fact, the atomic high angular momentum states are weakly occupied.   

So, for the analysis, two criteria have to be applied:

-         the atomic locality,

-         the low order harmonics behaviour of non sphericities.

The results obtained by the Direct Multipole Analysis take into account:

-         the correct reference, 

-         the radius R used to represent the atom.

The Spherical Harmonics expansion presents important advantages (Kurki-Suonio (1971) (5)) as compared to the other methods:

- the information has a more concise form showing immediately the behaviour of the radial atomic factors, in all directions with a rather small number of terms in the development,

- the information has a more concrete form, it is better analyzed, and it separates the spherical effects from the non spherical ones due to the crystalline field effect on the atoms or due to the bonding nature.

A main advantage of this separation is to give some information about systematic errors. The main part of systematic errors affects only the spherical term because they depend on the diffraction angle but not on its direction,

- spheres large enough can be used without a large overlapping effect of the neighbouring atoms because of an average behaviour in all the directions.


Determination of the spherical harmonic components

The different components Δfn(b) are computed until n=10. In fact, the 10th order is not required because it corresponds obviously to non visible deformations. Nevertheless, this calculation is necessary to see if the consistency criterion on experimental data is fulfilled or not.

The non spherical components characterize the atomic properties inside the lattice, e.g. they show the crystalline field effect on the atom.

Then, the spherical harmonics significance is largely influenced by the radius R determination (see later on: Radius of best separation). However, because of the non observability criterion of the higher order components, a significance limit can be pointed out. The magnitude of higher order components is understood to give a measure of the inconsistency of non spherical information. Physically, this magnitude has not any reality.


Integration method by the Direct Multipole Analysis

Integration methods require a division of the charge density ρ(r) into atomic contributions.

A sphere centered on the atom is the most natural way to separate the atom from its neighbouring (Kurki-Suonio & Salmo (1971) (1)) just because it considers the concept of locality isotropically. But, in this case, some charge density can spread out inside the regions between the spheres that are the regions of outer electrons. In fact, this electron density loss is mainly due to the atomic deformations and represents, generally, very small quantity as compared to the total atomic electron density except some particular cases as Be-metal.

If one considers the volume bound by the minimum of ρ(r) in all directions simultaneously, this leads to complicated volumes not well adapted for integration purpose and the guarantee of its efficacy on the electron count in the atomic region becomes disputable.

Generally, the theoretical atomic factors used in the difference series are those calculated in the case of a free atom (or free ion) given in the literature.


Local axes and anisotropic atomic motions in Å2

The experimental structure factors are analysed by the Direct Multipole Analysis as described by  Kurki-Suonio (1968) (6) with the physical criteria of Kurki-Suonio (1977) (7) TiO2-rutile  SiO2-stishovite  Cu2O-cuprite  K2PtCl6  Be-metal.

In the real crystal, the site-symmetries result from the positions of the surrounding atoms.

With the iterative local refinement of parameters, we “purify” the values of δF = Fobs ─ Fcalc from the parameter errors left by the R-factor fitting so that the resulting δF are pure information on real charge density difference. R-factor is an unspecified overall criterion, which is not able to distinguish errors of parameters from electronic deformation effects.

The natural criterion for “correct” positions and temperature factors would be that the derivatives for the difference series are zero at the origin when the centers of the theoretical and experimental atoms coincide.

Zeroth order concerns the average isotropic temperature factor Bave, a correct average motion would make δρ0(r) = zero at r = 0.

In case of non-atomic positions, zeroth order shows the significance of the possible accumulation of charge at those positions.

The position parameters affect the first order derivative radial difference densities.

If the positions of the reference atoms are correct, the first derivatives of all first order components are “flat” at small r. (10+) (11+) and (11─) tell the possible deviations from the directions of the local z, x and y axes.

Correct parameters of the anisotropic motion i-e Bpr, Bna and correct orientation of the axes of the thermal ellipsoid would make the second derivatives of all second order components “flat” at small r.

The behaviour of the second order radial difference densities close to origin tells about the possible necessity to refine iteratively the anisotropic parameters.

(20+) refers to the prolateness i-e the deviation of uz2 from the average u2, and (22+) refers to the non-axiality or the difference of the amplitudes in the x and y directions.

No multipole analysis of the anisotropic motion is possible without knowing how changes of the parameters, one at a time, affect the relevant component.

All multipolar components of an atom must be calculated in the same local coordinate system, because the angular functions depend on the choice of axes see TiO2-rutile (fig.1) and MgF2 (Vidal et al. (1981) (8)). An instructive example of the choice of local axes is given in the paper (Ahtee, Kurki-Suonio et al. (1980) (9)).


Radius of best separation

The radius of best separation gives the distance within which the electronic charge can be treated as concentrated around the atomic center.

The distribution inside the sphere of radius of best separation acts as a distribution centered on the considered atom and defines the “effective inner part of the atom or ion” in an X-Ray diffraction sense.

Determination of the radius of best separation RM for each atom

The spherical average electronic density ρ0(r) or better 4πr2ρ0(r) is computed in order to see the accumulation of charge around the atomic positions. ρ0(r) is the first or spherical term of the Spherical Harmonics expansion of ρ(r).

By plotting 4πr2ρ0(r) in terms of r, the separability of the ion from its neighbours is defined by the radius of best separation RM, minimum of the curve 4πr2ρ0(r).

The electron count in a sphere of radius R is represented by the area under the curve 4πr2ρ0(R).

The value of the radius of best separation RM indicates the appropriate limit around which the electron count must be computed to estimate the ionic state. It determines also the radius R of the sphere necessary in the Spherical Harmonics calculations.

A radius R slightly larger than RM (Kurki-Suonio & Ruuskanen (1971) (10)) is chosen. This little “too large” R radius is so that the very small artificial overlap created by this choice must give an electronic contribution negligible as compared to the electronic contribution of the charge density spread out in the “empty space”. This choice is an important point of the Direct Multipole Analysis because a radius R too small makes no deformations to appear while a too large radius R can evidence non real deformations of the atom considered due to neighbouring influence.


Phase problem

The theoretical crystal can be compared with the real crystal only if the exact crystalline structure is known, particularly the atomic positions and the phases of the structure amplitudes. The well known phase problem concerns the non centrosymmetric structures such as BeO (Vidal et al. (1987) (11)) belonging to a polar group that makes imaginary the atomic factor. Then, it is necessary to fix accurately the phases before any analysis, or to combine some iterative phase determination to the analysis The phase problem.

Another kind of phase problem is encountered in centrosymmetric structures as in MgF2 (Vidal et al. (1981) (8)) where the distance Mg-F is not a structure invariant. In this case, it is not an imaginary atomic factor but an uncertainty due to this structure parameter that provokes a local phase problem in determination of scattering factor of a fluorine atom.


Applications of the Direct Multipole Analysis

As already mentioned, the Direct Multipole Analysis is used to different and various applications.

In particular, the determinations of:

-         thermal parameters in adequation with the experimental data,

-         the phase problem in non centrosymmetric structures  (BeO, GaAs, InP, ZnTe).

In addition, specific physical problems can be solved such as:

-         isotopic effects and breakdown of Born-Oppenheimer approximation in LiH/LiD

-         charge density and magnetic phases in MnO, CoO and NiO

-         several crystalline properties as bonding nature, ionic state, atomic deformations, … provided by atomic charge densities.


1) Isotopic effects

The problem was to see if the change of H in D can affect the charge distribution in the unit cell.

Our study on LiH/LiD (Vidal et al. (1991) (12)) shows that the charge density is largely dependent on the nature of the atom.

Differences between the charge densities of LiH and LiD can only occur if the electron-phonon coupling is strong enough. Thus, if observed, they would yield a phenomenological measure of the violation of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation.

The significant deviation of the charge distribution of the anion H in LiH from that Din LiD indicates breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation due to coupling of the vibrations and the electronic states, which is much stronger in LiH.

This is the first case where such a breakdown can be seen by X-ray diffraction. It could be the only opportunity to observe this breakdown in a crystal.

The 2D visualization of charge density difference has shown clearly the isotopic effect and its consequence.


2) Magnetic states Figure1  Figure2   Figure3

The interest to study different magnetic states of a magnetic compound is to see the influence of the magnetic state on the charge distribution.

We decided to make an attempt to find evidence of the magnetic state by the Direct Multipole Analysis and some indications to the bonding nature and the electronic mechanisms of the magnetic ordering.

Our study on MnO, CoO (para- and antiferromagnetic states) and NiO antiferromagnetic state (Vidal et al.  (2002), (2004), (2005) (13)) has revealed the rearrangement of the charge distribution according to the magnetic state considered.

Particularly, MnO (para- and antiferromagnetic states) displays a striking difference in charge density according to the magnetic state and also the role played by the oxygen ion in the establishment of the antiferromagnetic state.


3) Three dimensional visualization

The 2D-visualization on maps based on the Fourier representation were the most common way to show the different planes of the charge density difference.

Anyway, such section-representations are not easily transformed in a 3D mental visualization and can occult some essential features in the charge density of the crystal.

Indeed, ρ(r) represents the three dimensional charge distribution and must be calculated in space to account for the spatial behaviour of a crystal.

So, we have elaborated the 3D visualization of the charge density difference.

The 3D visualization of the Direct Multipole Analysis leads to follow directly the behaviour of an atom (or ion) enclosed in the crystal in all directions simultaneously to attain the effect of the crystalline field.

It is easier to have a realistic picture of the environment of each atom (or ion) on the basis of the  Direct Multipole Analysis. A real and great advantage of the 3D-visualization is to show the electronic equivalue surfaces with their respective volumes.

The corresponding 3D illustrations made on the unit cell with the help of the Fourier representation give the possibility to understand the structure of the crystal.

The comparison of the two 3D representations (Direct Mutipole Analysis and Fourier) gives the genesis of the different bondings and the electronic mechanisms, so the bondings are evidenced and their natures lead to a correct interpretation of the characteristics of the crystal.

With these 3D representations, it is also possible to investigate the empty space and to detect the important points out of the atomic positions. In case of structure like Be-metal, these representations are very helpful to visualize the different equivalue surfaces in the empty space and to understand the charge distribution net around the Be atom.

Moreover, 3D-visualization is necessary to detect the dense packing of overlapping ions.

The 3D-visualization obtained by the Direct Mutipole Analysis produces an efficient help to the knowledge of the mechanisms of the charge distributions atom by atom. It allows to restore quickly the pertinent information and to lower the abstraction degree on the results.

Then, the physical phenomena of equivalue surfaces and of the localization by one electronic equivalue surface are fully perceived and evidenced.

For a same equivalue surface, there is no correspondance between the Multipole and Fourier representations. The first representation corresponds to one atom contribution, the second concerns the contribution of the totality of the atoms.

An animation of 3D-dimensional views DVD in streaming completes the 3D-information.



(1) K. Kurki-Suonio & Salmo (1971) Ann. Acad. Scient. Fenn. A VI, 369

(2) K. Kurki-Suonio (1967) Ann. Acad. Scient. Fenn.  A  VII, 263

(3) K. Kurki-Suonio (1962) Ann. Acad. Scient. Fenn.  A  I, 93

(4) K. Kurki-Suonio & Meisalo (1967) Ann. Acad. Scient. Fenn. A VI, 241

(5) K. Kurki-Suonio (1971) Italian Crystallographic Association Meeting, Bari, Italy

(6) K. Kurki-Suonio (1968) (1968) Acta Cryst. , A24, 379-390

(7) K. Kurki-Suonio (1977) Isr. J. chem. 16, 115-129; 132-136

(8) J-P. VIDAL, G. VIDAL-VALAT & K. KURKI-SUONIO (1981) Acta Cryst., A37, 826-837

(9) M. AHTEE, K. KURKI-SUONIO, A. VAHVASELKA, A.W. HEWATT, J. HARADA and S.  HIROTSU (1980) Acta Cryst., B36, 1023-1028

(10) K. Kurki-Suonio & A. Ruuskanen (1971) Ann. Acad. Scient. Fenn. A VI, 358

(11) G. Vidal‑Valat, J.‑P. Vidal, K. Kurki‑Suonio and R. Kurki‑Suonio, (1987)  Acta Cryst., A43, 540

(12) G. Vidal-Valat, J-P. Vidal, K. Kurki-Suonio, R. Kurki-Suonio (1992)  Acta Cryst. A48, 46-60

(13) J.‑P. Vidal, G. Vidal‑Valat, K. Kurki‑Suonio and R. Kurki‑Suonio, (2002),

Indications of Magnetic State in the Charge Distributions in MnO, CoO and NiO.

I: Para- and Antiferromagnetism of MnO

Kristallografiya, Vol. 47, N°3, 2002, pp. 391-405 (in Russian).

Crystallographic Reports, Vol. 47, N°3, 2002, pp. 347-361(in English).

 J.‑P. Vidal G. Vidal‑Valat, and K. Kurki‑Suonio, (2004)

Indicators of Magnetic State in the Charge Distributions in MnO, CoO and NiO.

II: Para- and Antiferromagnetism of CoO  

Kristallografiya vol. 49, N° 3, pp357-369, 2004 (in Russian).

Crystallographic Reports vol. 49, N° 3, pp424-434, 2004 (in English).

 J.‑P. Vidal, G. Vidal‑Valat and K. Kurki‑Suonio, (2005)

Indications of Magnetic State in the Charge Distributions in MnO, CoO and NiO.

III: Antiferromagnetism of NiO           

 Kristallografiya vol. 50, N°1 pp23, 2005 (in Russian)

Crystallographic Reports vol. 50, N° 1, pp20, 2005 (in English)



mag3D  Figure1 Figure2   Figure3  PRESENTATION SYMPOSIUM FRANCO FINLANDAIS  SYMPOSIUM  Problème des phases The phase problem  DVD Semi-conducteur organométallique  organosilicié TiO2-rutile  SiO2-stishovite  Cu2O-cuprite  K2PtCl6 Be-metal  bases and 3D views Bases et vues 3D Si-et-Ge  CaF2-fluorite  NbC-2023